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Akmal Shaharudin and the Singapore national team

Meet Akmal Shaharudin, a 24-year old floorball player from Singapore. He’s been playing for fifteen years and has been part of the national team for eight years.

Who are you?

My Name is Muhammad Akmal Bin Shaharudin from Singapore! I currently play as a Def/Centre/Forward for both Club and Country!

How old are you?

I am 24 years of age!

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Akmal Shaharudin
Akmal Shaharudin

What is your relation to floorball?

I picked up this sport when I was 9 years old and have been playing ever since. I’ve been trained under numerous different coaches and at the same time have met a countless number of passionate individuals that share the same love for this sport. Particularly in Singapore where the Floorball community is relatively smaller, almost everyone in the community recognizes each other!

You know Lin Ken, the Malaysian goalkeeper we’ve interviewed before. What is your link to him?

I met Lin Ken when I was around 16, playing and training for my then tertiary institution, Temasek Polytechnic.


Lin Ken used to crash for our trainings quite regularly and from then we both met and formed a friendship till today. Lin ken is a very passionate and down to earth individual and he easily has made his mark to be one of the best goalkeepers Malaysia has ever seen!

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Akmal Shaharudin playing for the Singapore national team (Photo: IFF)
Akmal Shaharudin playing for the Singapore national team (Photo: IFF)

National team career

I got selected to represent Singapore when I was 16 years of age. To be very honest I didn’t think I would have stood a chance to be selected to play in the World Floorball Championship Qualifiers in 2012. Till today, I am deeply humbled and blessed to have been given a chance to represent this country of mine and I would not trade it for anything else.

What are your best national team memories + moments?

The best national team memory that I had will definitely be the recently concluded WFC 2018. Even though the result wasn’t exactly what we wanted it to be, we were actually very close and quite unfortunate not to have made it into the top 12.

Yes, things didn’t exactly go according to plan but it doesn’t mean that the effort that was given by every single member of the WFC 2018 team counts for nothing. The journey, the double training sessions in a day, the blood, sweat and tears shed, the heartaches, the sacrifices, the buildup, the brotherhood, the ties forged, the friendships made, the competition, the atmosphere, playing against Japan and triumphing them in a 7000+ audience 02 Arena, it was all worth it.

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Akmal Shaharudin with the national team
Akmal Shaharudin with the national team

WFC 2018 will always hold a special place in my heart because of everything that the team had to go through to make something nobody thought it was ever possible. The difference between the brave and the timid is the ability to dream and act upon it. For that, I believe, we were Lions in our very own right.

What are your personal goals for this season?

My personal goals for the upcoming season is to remain injury-free and continue to play floorball to the best of my abilities both club and country. We have the SEA Games coming up in December and we’re working really hard for that!

Though I always have had this burning desire to be able to venture overseas and play my trade in a higher level of floorball!

Which club are you currently playing at and how are you doing in the league usually?

I am currently playing for Victoria School Floorball and I have been playing for this club for about 10 years now. We were crowned the Playoff Champions last season beating the defending champions Black Wondersticks 4-3, after coming back from a 3-0 scoreline.

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