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Grip gate: good news as IFF cancels proposed grip rule

A couple of months ago a big international uproar took place after the IFF proposed a new rule that made it mandatory for the brand of the stick and the grip to match. The announcement was immediately subjected to controversy and many from the online floorball community spoke out against it after which the IFF announced it would take a time-out regarding the proposal.

On the IFF website it reads:

“The IFF Material Board has held a second meeting in August, after two of the members had raised complaints concerning the decision made about the new clause concerning the marking of grips for floorball sticks and the requirement to have the same branded grips as the stick.

The Material Board, which re-named it self as the Material Advisory board to avoid misunderstandings concerning their role, analysed the situation and came to the unanimous conclusion that the grip proposal should be removed. Based on this feedback from the Material Advisory board and the floorball community the IFF CB decided to remove the clause concerning the Marking of the Grip and all the related rules from the Material Regulations 2020. There will therefore be no rules related to grips in the Material Regulations 2020.”


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