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Grip gate: how the floorball community responds to the new grip rule

Earlier today, we wrote about the new IFF rule which states your grip has to match your stick brand. On social media, you let us know what you thought of these rules. Here’s a selection of the reactions.

Many of you were indignant and upset with the new rule, as can be seen below as we picked a few of the Facebook and Instagram responses:

On Instagram, even more of you sent a response:

Some of you asked about the use of different grips, like tennis or badminton grips, and that’s exactly what we asked IFF’s Secretary General John Liljelund. Read his response here.

In general, one can conclude the floorball community is not so happy with the upcoming changes. It seems for most people, the biggest issue is the lack of a (solid) reasoning behind this idea, despite the fact Liljelund explained the topic. To finish this article with a smile, here are some of the funny reactions you gave to this news.

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