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Making floorball history: Finland’s highest floorball league is now F-Liiga

Press release from F-Liiga

The familiar Salibandyliiga brand becomes history today as it is time for F-Liiga. Also, all logos and colours have a new fresh look and Finland’s highest floorball league now has its own website apart from the Finnish Floorball Federation’s.

The new F-Liiga will administer both men’s and women’s highest series which means the 30 teams (16 for women and 14 for men) and their almost 900 players form the largest league in Finland.

All this is a part of F-Liiga’s new strategy coming true. F-liiga has its goals clearly refined: make the crown jewel of Finnish floorball the world’s most valuable floorball league and make it the Finnish indoor sports series that reaches most people.

“We are really excited! This means the beginning of a new era and we have worked really hard for this. F-Liiga gives our clubs an opportunity for a new kind of growth: in addition to being big in Finland we also want to make our mark internationally”, F-Liiga CEO Kimmo Nurminen says.

“Floorball is a sport that grows rapidly around the world and we want the Finnish league to be the one that the floorball world is most interested in. That is why we wanted our brand to be well known outside our national borders as well”.

The new league has its website and social media channels open since Wednesday 10 o’clock local time and they have been designed to make the league more powerful on marketing and media. As F-Liiga wants to gain attention and bring out the colourful personalities and events of floorball, its channels are serving the international audience as well.

Toni Nikunen (SSBL Salibandy)

“Instead of competing with other leagues or sports, we are making our growing contributions to create more meaningful content for floorball fans all over the world. We are delighted to have F-Liiga games available on Nova Sport in Czech Republic and Slovakia already and look forward to display more games in more countries. Finnish Cup finals in Tallinn proved to be a great cooperation with Estonian Floorball Federation. The event was sold out and IFF game stream had viewers from 30 different countries. Cooperating with other leagues and federations we can create sports entertainment events with educational and recreational side events to attract audiences and corporate sponsors alike – for the benefit of all the parties. We hope to deliver more top floorball via live events and game streams all over the world, rather sooner than later, expresses Marketing Manager Toni Nikunen.

F-liiga is a brand for both men’s and women’s Finnish elite floorball leagues. Equality is very important for the brand.

“We have 30 teams who share a common brand: F-liiga. We want to include all our teams in that”, CEO Kimmo Nurminen points out.

For more information, you can contact Kimmo Nurminen (CEO) at +358 45 276 0168, kimmo.nurminen@salibandy.fi or Toni Nikunen (Marketing Manager) at +358 50 3415 990, toni.nikunen@salibandy.fi

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