
  1. Floorball News
SG Sports TV has released another video in its Floorball 101 series. This one is about essential attacking moves! Joshua Seow and Haleef Hairon, both floorball players from team Singapore, show you how it’s done. Previous parts If you like this video, you should have a look at the previous videos: WATCH – Goalkeeping 101 […]
  1. Floorball News
SG Sports TV has released another video in its Floorball 101 series. This one is about essential attacking moves! Joshua Seow and Haleef Hairon, both floorball players from team Singapore, show you how it’s done. Previous parts If you like this video, you should have a look at the previous videos: WATCH – Goalkeeping 101 […]
  1. Floorball News
Getting closer to the SEA Games 2019, SG Sports TV has released its second ‘Floorball 101’ video. This edition’s topic: goalkeeping. Part 2 of the series features Fariza Begum, goalkeeper for the Singapore national team. She explains the basics of goalkeeping and gives four basic – but essential – pieces of advice. The video can […]
  1. Floorball News
In a new video series, the Singaporean channel SG Sports TV explains the basics of floorball. The channel starts off with ‘Passing 101’, in which national team players Ong Swee Ling and Yeo Xuan shortly explain ways of passing and stopping the ball. Check it out for yourself and perhaps show it to some of […]

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When executed well, the slapshot is the fastest shot in floorball. Where do the speed and power come from? That’s what I’m gonna dive into today, helped by ice hockey and… physics! Fact: in 2011, the record for the hardest ice hockey shot was broken: Denis Kulyash (Russia) managed to shoot with a speed of […]