thomas andersson

  1. Floorball News
In our refereeing series, we take a closer look at the way WFC- and SSL-referees Thomas Andersson and Rickard Wissman prepare for their games. Three categories of preparation Andersson speaks of three different periods of preparation. The first one is the long term prep, which is more than one week before the game. Here, they […]
  1. Announcements
Referees and other floorball enthusiasts: stay tuned. Between Thursday and Saturday, Thomas Andersson will take over FloorballToday’s Instagram during the Slovak Floorball Cup. As you might have noticed, we have started to put more focus on referees and refereeing. Helped by Thomas Andersson – have you read his introduction yet? – we gave you tips […]

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  2. PRO (Patron Only)
When executed well, the slapshot is the fastest shot in floorball. Where do the speed and power come from? That’s what I’m gonna dive into today, helped by ice hockey and… physics! Fact: in 2011, the record for the hardest ice hockey shot was broken: Denis Kulyash (Russia) managed to shoot with a speed of […]