We need your help

[vc_row][vc_column][penci_container el_width=”penci-container-1170″ ctsidebar_mb=”con_sb1_sb2″ container_layout=”11″][penci_column width=”1/1″ order=”1″][penci_text_block style_block_title=”style-title-5″ title=”You’re here because you have a heart for floorball.” block_title_align=”style-title-left” block_title_fonts=”font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:600%20medium%3A600%3Anormal” penci_show_desk=”1″ penci_show_tablet=”1″ penci_show_mobile=”1″ custom_markup_1=””]Dear floorball fan,

We are Anne-Jan and Daniël and we have managed FloorballToday for four years, and with hard work and dedication we made it what it is today: your favorite floorball site (at least, that’s what we hope!).

We have put almost all our free time – and also quite a bit of money – to make FloorballToday a website you’d love to visit, a home for all floorball enthusiasts world wide and a place for the floorball community to come together. And we are very proud that we are a website from the community, for the community.

We see hundreds of visitors coming to our site every day but the reality is that floorball does not have a massive audience, which is needed to keep a site running on advertisements alone. Without an income stream, this means that we have no other choice than to pull the plug and end the FloorballToday project.

That’s why we are urgently asking for your help.

For the small amount of €5 a month you pay for roughly one article on our site and you will make an immediate difference in securing FloorballToday’s future.

It will help us with the daily expenses, such as paying for our servers.

Your donations will also enable us to dedicate our efforts to a lot of new, exciting things that we have been brainstorming on, such as:

  • Interviews with your favorite players
  • How-to articles – from buying your first stick to advanced tactics
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • Overview of daily matches played in world’s biggest leagues + standings

Your small donation will make a huge difference to FloorballToday specifically and floorball in general.

Will you help us?

Please select your payment option and click on the Donate Now button below start the donation.[/penci_text_block][/penci_column][/penci_container][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row penci_el_pos=”center” penci_show_desk=”1″ penci_show_tablet=”1″ penci_show_mobile=”1″][vc_column][vc_column_text]



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When executed well, the slapshot is the fastest shot in floorball. Where do the speed and power come from? That’s what I’m gonna dive into today, helped by ice hockey and… physics! Fact: in 2011, the record for the hardest ice hockey shot was broken: Denis Kulyash (Russia) managed to shoot with a speed of […]